Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Cabalistic Interpretation of Aleister Crowley's Name

I thought some of you may like this.

I suppose most are not familiar with this method of interpretation or word analysis. It's mainly used among serious alchemists. The old Masters encoded some of their greatest secrets in phonetic puzzles, and also some of the recent Masters. Regardless, this will not be an attempt to explain the essence of the phonetic cabala, but I hope I will sway some of you to research it further.

Here's what Crowley has to say about his name change (from the wikipedia entry for Crowley):

Crowley described his decision to change his name as follows:

"For many years I had loathed being called Alick, partly because of the unpleasant sound and sight of the word, partly because it was the name by which my mother called me. Edward did not seem to suit me and the diminutives Ted or Ned were even less appropriate. Alexander was too long and Sandy suggested tow hair and freckles. I had read in some book or other that the most favourable name for becoming famous was one consisting of a dactyl followed by a spondee, as at the end of a hexameter: like "Jeremy Taylor". Aleister Crowley fulfilled these conditions and Aleister is the Gaelic form of Alexander. To adopt it would satisfy my romantic ideals. The atrocious spelling A-L-E-I-S-T-E-R was suggested as the correct form by Cousin Gregor, who ought to have known better. In any case, A-L-A-I-S-D-A-I-R makes a very bad dactyl. For these reasons I saddled myself with my present nom-de-guerre --- I can't say that I feel sure that I facilitated the process of becoming famous. I should doubtless have done so, whatever name I had chosen."[22]


1. Al - A name of God.
2. Ale - Brewed beer from malt. Crowley's family was in the brewery business I believe.
3. Leis - A garland of flowers.
4. Eist = East - Crowley was a member of the OTO - Order of the Eastern Star.
5. Eister = Easter - No comment on this one.
6. Ster = Star - No comment on this one either.

I left a few things out, obviously, but suffice to say it should be enough to show the effectiveness of the phonetic cabala.

If we're a little creative with this, we can phonetically mutate the word into this statement "All a Star!" Indeed, Crowley couldn't have chosen a better name - the sublimity is magnificent.

1:3. Every man and every woman is a star.


Here's one more for all of you: Aiwass = Aivass = Aves (bird)

This particular "language" is called "The Language of the Birds" or "The Language of the Gods." There are other names for it, but I will leave them out.

A Few Updates

Sorry everybody, it's been a while since I've updated this thing. Lately I've been focusing all my time and energy on Alchemy.

I just wanted to post a few links to my research. They're links to message board threads. I am the original poster for each thread.

Here's one link:

The other link: